I'm Moving!


Let me start off by saying I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. 

Things have been a bit quieter on the blog lately. I've been spending the last few days with the most important people in my life, eating great food and maybe having a little to much to drink. I have been spending quality time with my family and friends as I am moving to America for three months... Tomorrow! 

As may have realised by now, I travel to the states a lot. I have been back and forth a lot this year, but this time I will be staying a lot longer than my usual two weeks. I am going to be staying with my boyfriend who lives in Illinois, we are in a long distance relationship and after a year living apart, its about time we spent some much earned quality time together. 

I have quit my 9-5 job, my suitcases are packed & most of my goodbyes have been said. After months of planning, I can't believe i'll be there tomorrow and I won't have to worry about saying goodbye to my boyfriend (again) for a few months. 

I will have a lot more free time so I will have more time for blogging while i'm there. I have quite a few posts already photographed and planned, but hopefully I will be able to post a lot more!  I will also start doing a few more lifestyle posts as I want to document this trip. This is the first time i'll be moving away from my family for a long period of time, and its a huge step for me and my relationship with my boyfriend. 

We already have quite a bit planned. We'll be watching the Bears VS Packers football game on Sunday, spending New Years watching one of our favourite bands in downtown Chicago and hopefully going to a Blackhawks ice hockey match or two. 

Watch this space for more beauty posts and updates on how I am doing. I am about to start a huge chapter in my life, and I'm so excited to see my boyfriend tomorrow. 


  1. Anonymous12/28/2013

    Wow, I think this is so brave. I hope you have a lovely time, sounds like you and your boyfriend deserve it :-)



  2. Anonymous12/31/2013

    What a brave desicion you've made. I hope ALL the best for you and your boyfriend, and your new life out there in the States. I'm sure you'll be happier than you've ever been before. To give you a "Wellcome to your new home" type gift, i've followed :-)


  3. Ah what a great decision I wish you both the best of happiness!


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